- Lingfeng Sang, Masayuki Yamamura, Fangyan Dong, Zhongxue Gan, Jianzhong Fu, Hongbo Wang, Yu Tian
"Analysis, Design, and Experimental Research of a Novel Wheelchair-Stretcher Assistive Robot"
(Applied Sciences 2020, 10, 264; doi:10.3390/app10010264)
- Motohiro Akikawa, Masayuki Yamamura
"Materializing Architecture for Processing Multimodal Signals for a Humanoid Robot Control"
(Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.25, No.3, pp.335-345, doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2021.p0335)
- 安田翔也, Jiping Sun, Yang Zhou, Yanqing Wang, Qing Lu, Masayuki Yamamura, Ji‐Yang Wang
"Opposing roles of IgM and IgD in BCR‐induced B‐cell survival"
(Genes to Cells, 2018, Vol. 23, No. 10, gtc.12635)
- Shuyin Li, Jun Liu, Qing Min, Tomokatsu Ikawa, 安田翔也, Yang Yang, Yan-Qing Wang Takeshi Tsubata, Yaofeng Zhao, Ji-Yang Wang
“Kelch-like protein 14 promotes B-1a but suppresses B-1b cell development”
(International Immunology, 2018, Vol. 30, No. 7, 311-318)
Jun Liu, Ermeng Xiong, Hanying Zhu, Hiromi Mori, 安田翔也, Kazuo Kinoshita, Takeshi Tsubata, Ji-Yang Wang.
“Efficient Induction of Ig Gene Hypermutation in Ex Vivo–Activated Primary B Cells”
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Xiao Dong, Miao Shi, Moonsook Lee, Rafael Toro, Silvia Gravina, Weiguo Han, 安田翔也, Tao Wang, Zhengdong Zhang, Jan Vijg, Yousin Suh, Simon D. Spivack.
“Global, integrated analysis of methylomes and transcriptomes from laser capture microdissected bronchial and alveolar cells in human lung Epigenetics”
(Epigenetics (2018), https://doi.org/10.1080/15592294.2018.1441650)
Akifumi Nishida, Vera Thiel, Mayuko Nakagawa, Shotaro Ayukawa, and Masayuki Yamamura.
“Effect of light wavelength on hot spring microbial mat biodiversity”
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Yasuda S, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Yamamura M and Wang JY4.
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Ken Komiya and Masayuki Yamamura
“Cascading DNA Generation Reaction for Controlling DNA Nanomachines at a Physiological Temperature”
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Ryoji Sekine, Masayuki Yamamura
"Design and control of synthetic biological systems," Proceedings in
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Ryoji Sekine, Daisuke Kiga, Masayuki Yamamura:
Design strategy for an initial state-independent diversity generator,
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Ryoji Sekine, Masayuki Yamamura, Shotaro Ayukawa, Kana Ishimatsu, Satoru Akama, Masahiro Takinoue, Masami Hagiya , and Daisuke Kiga:
Tunable synthetic phenotypic diversification on Waddington's landscape through autonomous signaling,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2011 108:17969-17973
Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose:
Experimental Validation and Optimization of Signal Dependent Operation in Whiplash PCR,
Natural Computing, Volume 9, Number 1, 207-218, DOI: 10.1007/s11047-009-9140-1 (2010)
Hiromi Arai, Satoru Watanabe, Takanori Kigawa, Masayuki Yamamura:
A new modeling method in feature construction for the HSQC spectra screening problem,
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Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Daisuke Kiga, Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura:
A Design and Feasibility Study of Reactions Comprising DNA Molecular Machine that Walks Autonomously by using a Restriction Enzyme,
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Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto, Atsushi Kameda, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, Daisuke Kiga, Shigeyuki Yokoyama and Masami Hagiya,
DNA polymerase programmed with a hairpin DNA incorporates a multiple-instruction architecture into molecular computing,
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Kenichi Wakabayashi, Masayuki Yamamura,
A Design for Cellular Evolutionary Computation by using Bacteria,
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Computer Simulation of the Cellular Arrangement using Physical Model in Early Cleavage of the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans,
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- Masayuki Yamamura, Tom Head, Masami Hagiya,
Biomolecular Computing - Preface,
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- Akio Nishikawa, Masayuki Yamamura, Masami Hagiya,
DNA computation simulator based on abstract bases,
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- 染谷博司, 山村雅幸,
最適解の位置にロバストな実数値GAを実現するToroidal Search Space Conversionの提案,
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- Hajime Kimura, Masayuki Yamamura, Shigenobu Kobayashi,
Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes: A Stochastic Gradient Method,
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 11(5):787-794, 1996
- Masayuki Yamamura, Kazuteru Miyazaki, Shigenobu Kobayashi,
A survey on learning for agents,
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 10(5):683-689, 1995
Daisuke Kiga and Masayuki Yamamura:
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Ryoji Sekine, Masayuki Yamamura, Masami Hagiya and Daisuke Kiga
Tunability of the ratio of cell states after the synthetic
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Communicative & Integrative Biology, volume 5, Issue 4